Venice: Grand Canal Gondola Ride with App Commentary

USD 41



Drift effortlessly along the Grand Canal's most picturesque stretch and uncover its hidden gems, a tranquil network of waterways. As you take in the breathtaking vistas, our in-app audio guide will regale you with fascinating insights into the surroundings, making this enchanting gondola ride an unforgettable experience.

Immerse yourself in the quintessential Venetian experience with a serene gondola ride through the city's hidden waterways and majestic Grand Canal. As you glide across the water, learn about the city's rich history and landmarks through an engaging audio guide. Meet your knowledgeable host, who will regale you with fascinating facts about the age-old tradition of gondolas and gondoliers. Download a complimentary app that provides insightful commentary on your scenic route. Take in the breathtaking views of the Grand Canal, admiring iconic palaces like the Peggy Guggenheim Collection Palace, the Gritti Palace, and the majestic Salute Church. Drift past the picturesque Punta della Dogana and marvel at the world-renowned La Fenice Theatre, as well as the Mozart House, nestled among the charming, lesser-known waterways. As the ride comes to a close, be treated to a stunning panorama of the Saint Mark's Basin, with the picturesque San Giorgio Island in the distance. Then, embark on a unique virtual reality journey, soaring above the Grand Canal at sunset, journeying through the centuries. Finally, get an intimate look at the artistry and secrets behind Venice's iconic boat, with a close-up examination of a beautifully crafted scale model.